About Kraut Solutions

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This is the Web presence of Joachim Achtzehnter. The kraut.ca domain is Joachim’s private project and he is solely responsible for its content. Read more about Joachim here…

This Web site is primarily the result of Joachim’s experiments with Web and Internet technologies. As such, the contents often plays second fiddle, but I’m working on it.

One recent experiment was support for IPv6. The kraut.ca domain now has full IPv6 connectivity and can be reached using either IPv4 or IPv6.

An even more recent experiment is related to the management of the Web site itself. The main site is now maintained with the help of WordPress, a popular content management system. This change was long overdue. It is responsible for a more modern look, and for better support of mobile platforms, such as smart phones and tablets.

The older version of this Web site is still available for archival purposes. Like the current site, its main purpose was to experiment with the technology. It used much older technology, being written directly in HTML with a little PHP to maintain hit counters. The old Home of a Kraut is available here.

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One thought on “About Kraut Solutions”

  1. So far, only fake users have signed up, and none of them have left any comments. They only tried to exploit bugs in old versions of WordPress.
    Who will be the first legitimate user besides myself?

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Home of a Kraut